How Investing in My Wardrobe Saved Me Money

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Fall 2015, I stood in my closet completely exasperated. My heart sank as I shuffled through a packed closet of hangers. Sure, I had plenty of things to wear, but none of it felt like me. And I realized how much money was sitting, unused and undervalued. Yes, a skirt that cost $10 seemed like a bargain at the time, but when I wore it…well, it felt like that $10 was wasted. All I could see in my wardrobe were shirts that bunched in the wrong places or were too tight across the chest and too loose in the waist. Pants that were too warm to wear 90% of the year. Garments that made me feel less than. I threw up my hands and declared, “ENOUGH!”

That’s when I made a radical decision: I would not buy a single piece of clothing if I didn’t love it. I got to work. Researching, clarifying, making notes. If you’ve read my past blog posts you’ll know that I took time to get very clear on what kind of clothing made me happy. (Yep, that KonMari method can go the opposite way.) It took about 6 months before I finally took the plunge and bought my first order from e-Shakti. When my first package of three dresses came in the mail, it was like the final piece of the puzzle had clicked in place.

Since then, I’ve spent $2,872.29 on e-Shakti dresses. Yep, I did the math. While that seems like a lot, let’s dig a little deeper. Let’s take this dress for example:

Dress: Peplum Waist Floral Print Crepe Dress

Price: $67.95

Package Received: September 2016

I’ve worn this dress DOZENS of times. I’ve worn it to work, hanging with friends, going to the grocery store, and even as the base of an “Auntie Em” costume to a viewing of the Wizard of Oz. The 40’s-inspired silhouette makes my vintage-loving heart so happy. When I wear it, I feel like myself. Though the initial price was more than I would have spent on a single dress a year prior, I now know the value of investing in clothes I love.

Having a quality and loved wardrobe has saved me so much time and money. It takes me only a minute to decide what to wear in the morning. (Truly. I say to myself, “okay, what am I in the mood for today?” and pick out a dress. It’s sooo easy!) And that $2,872 was over a period of 2 years and 8 months. That’s $87 a month — easily a number I can approve of for my budget. Before I decided to completely change my wardrobe, I would have easily spent that (or more) on fast fashion that made me frustrated, sad, and that I wore only a handful of times. Additionally, this has curbed me from spending money on other items. How easy is it to pick up a candle/bottle of shampoo/pack of stickers/nail polish/etc. if you’re already in the store looking for a new blouse? Let’s be honest: after trying on a bunch of garments in crappy lighting that doesn’t fit and accentuates all the things unflattering, it’s easy to justify spending money on something you don’t need. Nicki Robin, author of Your Money or Your Life says “Waste lies not in the number of possessions but in the failure to enjoy them.” (By the way, this is a stellar book that I can’t stop gushing about to anyone that will listen.) I enjoy my collection of clothes so much, and in turn, feel less wasteful.

Investment in my wardrobe ultimately feels like an investment in myself. I’ve now been reflecting on other areas of my life that I want to invest in, and seeing how I can trim waste from my budget. This is something I’d like to share with you all as well.

Yours in fashion and fun,


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