Product Review: Elate Cosmetics

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a sponsored post, nor an advertisement. I purchased these products with my own money and all opinions are my own.

About a week ago, I scraped the last little bit of my Doctor Jart BB Creme from its container (I cracked that baby open to get my money’s worth) and hopped online to make my first purchase in the world of sustainable makeup. After a ton of research, I’d found Elate Beauty – a cosmetics company that boasts practices that “don’t compromise the health of any person, animal or the planet.” I was looking for a new foundation or base makeup that featured both sustainable packaging (read: not plastic) and was of high quality. It was also important to me that I felt like I could get a lot of value out of the product because it super stinks to feel like you have a good 10 applications left in a container that won’t pump out anymore.

Since I have skin sensitivities, it was also important that I could test the product without purchasing a full-size package. I ordered the Uplift Foundation Sample Kit in Light, which was $12. My order was placed on March 30 and delivered on April 13. Since Elate is based out of Victoria, British Colombia, I think this is pretty reasonable. I should note that you can purchase Elate Cosmetics from EarthHero’s website (in case you want to avoid international fees on your credit card), but they don’t have the sample kits available.

Included in my kit was a sample of their powder blush in the color “Fever”, which is probably not the shade that I would have chosen for myself, but it’s pretty nonetheless. I got down to business pretty quickly to color swatch on my arm. The three colors are UN1 (lightest), UN2, and UN3 (darkest).

 I did a full face of makeup using the UN2 (middle) color. It seems very buildable and I didn’t have to use much to get the level of coverage I like. My initial thought was that it was a better color match than the Doctor Jart BB Cream I had been using, and I liked that it didn’t feel heavy or greasy. Later in the day, I went outside for a walk and sweat a LOT. It’s been ungodly humid here lately, so it was a good opportunity to test it out in Florida conditions. The performance wasn’t any better or worse than other products I’ve used. Some of the foundation came off when I wiped my sweaty face with a paper towel, but it wasn’t completely gone. Overall, I was pretty impressed by the performance. Elate Cosmetics says on their website that 75% of the ingredients they use are organic, and work to obtain fair trade ingredients whenever possible. Plus, all their products are cruelty-free.

As far as the blush, I will most likely order a full package of this once I pan the other blushes I have. I like the level of pigmentation more than other drugstore makeup I’ve purchased over the years.

So far, I have not had an allergic reaction, but I will keep testing and update this post should that occur. What’s most exciting is finding a brand that works well for me and makes me proud of where I’ve spent my hard-earned dollars. I’m sure I’ll review more of their cosmetics as time goes on, but in the meantime, let me know what you’d like me to review in the comments below.

Review Update (4/18/2020) – Wore this makeup for a second day, roughly 8 hours, and developed an allergic reaction around my eyes. The outside corners have gotten red and sensitive, and I get a burning sensation when I do my normal skincare routine. This is what happened with Becca Cosmetics years ago, and why I have to test products before buying. I still stand by this review, however. If you’re looking for a plastic-free foundation, please try out Elate. My crazy skin may have freaked out, but yours might not.

With love,

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