• How I Use AirTable to Track My Income and Expenses (Part 1)

    This is a video I’ve wanted to create for so long now, and I finally had the time and energy to make it happen! Today I’m sharing how I use AirTable to track my income and spending. I’ll guide you through how I set up my table and give real-life examples of what I include.

  • Project Pan

    Back in the fall, I looked around me and started feeling…uncomfortable. Something in my life felt uneasy. It took me a while to even put my finger on it. Staring at the shelves in my bathroom, I began to slowly recognize my source of discomfort: plastic.

  • My 7 Savings Accounts

    If you follow my Instagram stories, you’ll know I’ve been on a journey toward debt freedom since May of last year (check out my blog post on how I began with a “no spend” month). In that time, I’ve completely paid off my credit card, ramped up my savings, and operate on a paycheck-based budget. In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing more about this overall journey. In the meantime, discover why I have seven savings accounts and what I use them for.

  • My “No Spend” Month

    May marks the beginning of a few things here in Sarasota: snowbird season is over and the town is returned to the locals, the ungodly heat of summer begins, and many plants (like my orchids) are about to finish their bloom cycles. But this year, May also marked an unusual challenge I imposed on myself. I’ve been thinking a lot about my money habits. It’s not that I was completely irresponsible, but regardless of my income, I was basically living paycheck-to-paycheck. It was a cycle that was getting me nowhere fast. 

  • The Last Lovely Weekend

    It’s Easter weekend, which means a few things in Sarasota: 1) the tourists are all about to head back up north and 2) the weather is lovely (albeit, rainy at times). I’m making deviled eggs and bread from scratch and admiring the orchids that are in full bloom on the patio. It feels like the last lovely weekend before the impending heat and humidity of summer. 

  • How Investing in My Wardrobe Saved Me Money

    Fall 2015, I stood in my closet completely exasperated. My heart sank as I shuffled through a packed closet of hangers. Sure, I had plenty of things to wear, but none of it felt like me. And I realized how much money was sitting, unused and undervalued. Yes, a skirt that cost $10 seemed like a bargain at the time, but when I wore it…well, it felt like that $10 was wasted.

  • Sing to the Moon: A Full Moon Cocktail

    I’m learning a lot about the moon and its cycles right now, and I love having any good enough reason to celebrate. Full moons, by nature, are all about celebrating. It’s a great time to release the things that no longer serve you, and clean (mentally, physically, spiritually, what-have-you). And in the name of saying “Bye, Felicia” to some limiting beliefs and negative energies, I decided to celebrate with a cocktail just for this January full moon.

  • 5 Unique Experiences Growing Up in Sarasota, Florida

    Have you ever sat with friends swapping stories from your childhood? Since I’m usually the only person in the room that spent their entire childhood in Florida, I’ve begun to realize how unique and special some of my experiences were as a kid. Our family moved to Sarasota when I was 18 months old, and in many ways, I feel like I’ve grown up right along with this community. Here are 5 unique experiences that were special growing up here in sunny Sarasota.

  • Tarot Deck Review: Animal Totem Tarot

    Happy New Year! How exciting is it to be in 2019? I recently picked up a brand new tarot deck to harken me into the new year. My intention was to purchase a replacement for my beloved Osho Zen Tarot deck, which has been missing a single card for the last several months, but another box kept calling to me from the shelf. As I’ve learned, if I pick up a tarot deck four or five times off a shelf, I need to just take it home with me. This deck is the Animal Totem Tarot deck by Leeza Robertson.

  • Organizing My Way to Joy

    I love a good planner (or agenda, as some might call it). It always helps me feel more organized than I am in reality and helps me plan out things that I’m looking forward to. This year, I wanted to add some features that I haven’t had in previous planners and discovered a new planner system that will help me organize myself toward joy.

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