• Birthday Wishes

    If you read my recent Birthday Rituals post, you know that I like to celebrate in some pretty unique ways. This post is dedicated to my updates on this topic, and also on intentions as we close out 2018.

  • Birthday Rituals

    Birthdays are an excellent time to step back and take stock of all you’ve learned in your last trip around the solar system. With my own birthday being less than a month away, I wanted to share some ways I’m bringing old and new rituals into that celebratory spirit.

  • Tarot: How I Use a Deck of Cards to Meditate

    Let’s talk about TAROT! Tarot cards are a method I use to mediate and solve problems but can be intimidating if you’ve never used them before. Let’s dive in to how I use tarot and I’ll share some of my favorite decks.

  • Claws Out: A Self Care Story

    Self care. Oy, what an overused buzzword, amirite? Ok, full disclosure: I am a BIG. FAN. of self care. My close friends can attest that this is one of my favorite topics of conversation, and certainly something I encourage others to partake in. It’s like an episode of Parks and Rec over here.

  • How to Love Your City (Even When It Doesn’t Love You Back)

    I’m a big believer that your feelings about the place in which you live, whether that’s a big city or small town, has a lot to do with your overall happiness. I write a lot about my love of my hometown of Sarasota, but here’s the inside secret: I didn’t always love it here.

  • Rose Colored Glasses: Our Visit to Madonna Inn

    While on our epic road trip through California, we stopped for lunch at the historic Madonna Inn–a historic landmark hotel in San Luis Obispo. I had seen photos of this dreamy pink attraction on Instagram, and knew that each of the hotel rooms were uniqued themed and decorated. What I didn’t know was how much there was to look at if you were just stopping by.

  • California Dreamin’: Our Epic Road Trip

    Less than a week ago, my husband and I returned from a dream road trip in California. We traveled up the Pacific Coast Highway from Los Angeles to San Francisco. It was our first time on the West Coast, and we packed quite a bit in! I’m still mentally processing this once-in-a-lifetime vacation, but I’ll be sharing a lot of photos and details about our trip in the coming weeks. Until then, here’s a quick look at how our itinerary worked out.

  • Journey to Joy! (Part 2: Defining Your Happiness)

    (This is a continuation of a two-part series about finding your joy.)

    Alright, my friend. I hope wherever you are in your life, you can agree with me that there’s still room in your life to add more joy, right? But what does joy really mean to you? If you look at your social media feeds, it’s easy to see people (you may or may not know) appearing to be happy. They’re doing big things, or making big purchases, or overusing the hashtag #treatyoself as an excuse to over-indulge. Will doing these things really bring you joy? What exactly is joy?

  • Journey to Joy! (Part 1: Saying Yes to Happiness)

    Helloooo, gorgeous! Today we’re going to talk about something very real, and very important: JOY! Specifically, making more room for joy in your daily life–not just those big moments.

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