• Sing to the Moon: A Full Moon Cocktail

    I’m learning a lot about the moon and its cycles right now, and I love having any good enough reason to celebrate. Full moons, by nature, are all about celebrating. It’s a great time to release the things that no longer serve you, and clean (mentally, physically, spiritually, what-have-you). And in the name of saying “Bye, Felicia” to some limiting beliefs and negative energies, I decided to celebrate with a cocktail just for this January full moon.

  • Birthday Wishes

    If you read my recent Birthday Rituals post, you know that I like to celebrate in some pretty unique ways. This post is dedicated to my updates on this topic, and also on intentions as we close out 2018.

  • Birthday Rituals

    Birthdays are an excellent time to step back and take stock of all you’ve learned in your last trip around the solar system. With my own birthday being less than a month away, I wanted to share some ways I’m bringing old and new rituals into that celebratory spirit.

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