• Tarot Deck Review: Animal Totem Tarot

    Happy New Year! How exciting is it to be in 2019? I recently picked up a brand new tarot deck to harken me into the new year. My intention was to purchase a replacement for my beloved Osho Zen Tarot deck, which has been missing a single card for the last several months, but another box kept calling to me from the shelf. As I’ve learned, if I pick up a tarot deck four or five times off a shelf, I need to just take it home with me. This deck is the Animal Totem Tarot deck by Leeza Robertson.

  • Birthday Rituals

    Birthdays are an excellent time to step back and take stock of all you’ve learned in your last trip around the solar system. With my own birthday being less than a month away, I wanted to share some ways I’m bringing old and new rituals into that celebratory spirit.

  • Tarot: How I Use a Deck of Cards to Meditate

    Let’s talk about TAROT! Tarot cards are a method I use to mediate and solve problems but can be intimidating if you’ve never used them before. Let’s dive in to how I use tarot and I’ll share some of my favorite decks.

  • Claws Out: A Self Care Story

    Self care. Oy, what an overused buzzword, amirite? Ok, full disclosure: I am a BIG. FAN. of self care. My close friends can attest that this is one of my favorite topics of conversation, and certainly something I encourage others to partake in. It’s like an episode of Parks and Rec over here.

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