My Blog

  • Organizing My Way to Joy

    I love a good planner (or agenda, as some might call it). It always helps me feel more organized than I am in reality and helps me plan out things that I’m looking forward to. This year, I wanted to add some features that I haven’t had in previous planners and discovered a new planner system that will help me organize myself toward joy.

  • Birthday Wishes

    If you read my recent Birthday Rituals post, you know that I like to celebrate in some pretty unique ways. This post is dedicated to my updates on this topic, and also on intentions as we close out 2018.

  • Fly Me to The Moon: Dapper Day Fall 2018

    Another great Dapper Day is in the books, and I am so excited to share the photos with you! Here’s a full look at all the beautiful photos from that day. And, yes, my husband and I were totally playing up our vintage Pan Am pilot and stewardess outfits.

  • Birthday Rituals

    Birthdays are an excellent time to step back and take stock of all you’ve learned in your last trip around the solar system. With my own birthday being less than a month away, I wanted to share some ways I’m bringing old and new rituals into that celebratory spirit.

  • Tarot: How I Use a Deck of Cards to Meditate

    Let’s talk about TAROT! Tarot cards are a method I use to mediate and solve problems but can be intimidating if you’ve never used them before. Let’s dive in to how I use tarot and I’ll share some of my favorite decks.

  • Claws Out: A Self Care Story

    Self care. Oy, what an overused buzzword, amirite? Ok, full disclosure: I am a BIG. FAN. of self care. My close friends can attest that this is one of my favorite topics of conversation, and certainly something I encourage others to partake in. It’s like an episode of Parks and Rec over here.

  • What’s In My Jewelry Box: Brooches

    Brooches are one of my favorite accessories. Even when I don’t feel like wearing jewelry, popping a pin on my collar always makes my outfit more elegant and fun. I have a small collection of vintage and retro brooches that I wear pretty regularly, and some that I wear for special occasions. Here’s a quick peek inside my jewelry box! 

  • My Top 5 Dresses for Lazy Days

    I’m sharing my top 5 favorite dresses that I can throw on and get going on lazy days. These dresses are comfy and versatile. These are ones I wear on pretty heavy rotation year-round (thank you, Sarasota weather), and can be dressed up or down.

  • My Go-To Wet Set Pattern

    If you really love the 1940s and 50s vintage style, curled and sculpted hair is a must. The process for achieving those classic looks, however, can be kind of intimidating but is actually easy to accomplish with a little practice. A wet set is an essential step to get those magical, swoopy shapes that are iconic of the vintage style.

  • How to Love Your City (Even When It Doesn’t Love You Back)

    I’m a big believer that your feelings about the place in which you live, whether that’s a big city or small town, has a lot to do with your overall happiness. I write a lot about my love of my hometown of Sarasota, but here’s the inside secret: I didn’t always love it here.

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